We are a large fashion bags manufacturer and exporter from China, our handbag factory located in BaoDing district of HeBei. We are specified in providing different kinds of fashion bags which usually made from faux leather, genuine leather, nylon, canvas, polyester including: 1.lady handbags,2.men bags,3.nylon & canvas totes,4.laptop bags,6.travel bags,7.trolley bags,school bag. We export our goods all over the world with our up-to-day designs, and custom designs also welcome. Our goal of business is to grow with our customers by providing them with the best products as well as developing the latest designs. For each project, both our technicians and workers in our handbag factory always would try their best to satisfy the customers. Our handbag factory are now reputed from our clients by good service, competitive price, good-quality material, innovation spirit and novel design. We hope to build up long term business relationship with wholesalers, retailers and distributors all over the world. Contact us now for more ***ails and fast sample delivery
Company: |
jilongyuan industry co.,ltd
Contact: |
Ms. ji anna |
Address: |
He Ping Lu |
Postcode: |
Tel: |
86-312-2816679 |
Fax: |
86-312-2816679 |
E-mail: |